Cluedo - Batman (EN)
Cluedo - Batman (EN)
DKK 329,95 / STK
DKK 263,96 ekskl. moms

Hvem kidnappede kommissær Gordon?

Politiinspektør James Gordon er blevet kidnappet, mens han undersøgte korruption i Gotham City Police Department. Det er din opgave som Batman at finde ud af, hvor kommissær Gordon bliver holdt, hvem der er ansvarlig for hans kidnapning, og hvilket Bat Gadget der blev stjålet og brugt til at bortføre ham.

Denne specialudgave af CLUEDO indeholder officielt licenseret kunst og specialfremstillede brikker for den mest autentiske oplevelse i kriminalitetsbekæmpelse!

Naviger i klassiske Gotham City-steder som Gotham City Docks, GCPD Rooftop, Seweren og Arkham Asylum, der huser utallige skurke.

Med mistænkte som Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, The Joker, The Riddler, Catwoman og The Penguin samt gadgets som Bataring og Batmobilen, kan dette være Batmans mest udfordrende sag endnu.

Træk et Rumour- eller Power-kort for at blande spillet og få overtaget over dine modstandere, og lav derefter en anklage for at opklare sagen!

Gotham City regner med dig.


Who kidnapped Commissioner Gordon?

Police Commissioner James Gordon has been kidnapped whilst investigating corruption in the Gotham City Police Department. It is your job as Batman to locate where Commissioner Gordon is being held, who is responsible for his kidnapping, and which Bat Gadget was stolen and used to abduct him.

This special edition of CLUEDO features officially-licensed artwork and custom tokens for the most authentic crime-fighting experience!

Navigate classic Gotham City locations including Gotham City Docks, the GCPD Rooftop, the Sewer, and Arkham Asylum, home to countless fiendish foes.

With suspects like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, The Joker, The Riddler, Catwoman and The Penguin, and gadgets including the Bataring and the Batmobile, this could be Batman’s most challenging case yet.

Pull out a Rumour or Power card to mix up gameplay and get the upper hand over your opponents, then make an accusation to crack the case!

Gotham City is counting on you.

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